#refurbishment #hulhuleislandhotel #newsuperiorroom #newpoolbar #newfarurestaurant • 3 min read
Refurbishment Notification
Hulhule Island Hotel always strive to improve guest experience and do so by continuous upgrades of the hotel facilities and services,
which take from good to great on the quest to satisfy our valued guests.
It is our great pleasure to inform you that Hulhule Island Hotel plans to undergo refurbishment through revitalizing the hotel to allow
a greater room to deliver great product and memorable experience. For this to successful changes such as new lobby, new superior room,
new pool bar, new Faru restaurant, new driveway, and relocation hotel gym and Mandara SPA.
The goal is to have all the visible refurbishment completed within 20 months. This is not a notice of total hotel closure, but partial, to make
way for these great changes. The hotel have created a plan to make sure that it will continue providing exceptional service.
“We will certainly do our best to keep the upgrades of our hotel disturbance to the very minimum, but would like to apologize in advance
for any inconvenience this might cause you during your guest stay with us,” — states Management of Hulhule Island Hotel.
These refurbishments are expected to take place on the 15th of May 2023.
Hulhule Island Hotel convinced that the new facilities would make your future stays with even more enjoyable, and we sincerely appreciate
your understanding while making these great enhancements.