Dhigufaru Island Resort - Lets Go Maldives

Dhigufaru Island Resort

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Dhigufaru Island Resort

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Dhigufaru Island Resort Maldivas.

Aninhada na Reserva da Biosfera protegida pela UNESCO do Atol Baa, a Ilha Dhigufaru, que significa “um longo recife”, é o epítome do que você imaginaria como um refúgio exótico. Se você gosta de relaxar, relaxar ou apreciar a beleza magnífica e deslumbrante da ilha e recife circundante, ou se você está procurando um pacote mais ação, aventura exótica, oferecemos o equilíbrio perfeito de ambos.

Fatos rápidos


Atol Baa

Tipo de transferência:
30 minutes by Seaplane OR 20 minutes by Domestic Flight + 30 minutes by Speedboat

  • Transporte para o aeroporto
  • Atividades para Crianças (Adequado para Crianças / Famílias)
  • Serviço de quarto
  • Serviço de Lavandaria
  • Pequeno-almoço disponível
  • Internet de alta velocidade gratuita (Wi-Fi)
  • Esplanada
  • Ar Condicionado
  • Geladeira no quarto
  • Mini-bar
Tipos de quartos:
  • Beach Villa
  • Semi Water Villa

Número de quartos:
40 Quartos

  • Desportos Aquáticos
  • Escola de Mergulho
  • Excursões de Pesca
  • Visitas à ilha local
  • Piquenique Banco de Areia
  • Observação de golfinhos
  • Clube Infantil
  • Centro de Recreação


Villa de praia

Villa Semi Água

Villa de praia

Com vistas deslumbrantes e acesso à praia a partir de cada uma das 30 vilas de praia, você tem a opção de experimentar a serenidade e tranquilidade do Boaku virado ...

Villa Semi Água

Acorde com os sons revigorantes e a brisa suave que rola do oceano Índico em nossas 10 villas de água Semi. Perfeitamente localizado para pegar o nascer do sol, com ...

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Restaurante Dhandifulhu (Restaurante Principal)

Projetado com charme e simplicidade, o espaço em si exemplifica a experiência gastronômica, bem como o estilo das cozinhas oferecidas em nosso restaurante principal. Com vistas panorâmicas para o oceano, ...

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Bar da piscina Thundi

Relaxe à beira da piscina ou aprecie a vista de dentro das três cabanas isoladas que cercam o bar. A área da piscina Bageecha é o local perfeito para compartilhar ...

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Restaurante Athiri Specialty

Nosso restaurante de especialidades japonesas e de frutos do mar está situado na água, com acesso da praia. Com vistas ininterruptas do azul claro do oceano Índico. É o cenário ...

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Pavilhão Holhuashi

O Pavilhão está localizado no cais de chegada, e uma das primeiras características arquitetônicas que você poderá ver ao chegar à ilha. Furo de água perfeito para matar a sede ...

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Funa Spa

Nosso spa oferece uma experiência abrangente de beleza, saúde e bem-estar em um complexo de 241 m² dentro de um cenário de ilha impressionante. Quer queira recarregar as energias do ...

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Piquenique Banco de Areia

Experimente a beleza natural intocada no seu melhor, estando sozinho em um pequeno banco de areia ou uma ilha virgem. Um jantar de piquenique romântico sob as estrelas, ouvindo os ...

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Visitas à ilha local

Uma visita a uma pequena ilha habitada, onde a população é de apenas algumas centenas no máximo, irá mostrar-lhe uma imagem da cultura e estilo de vida local. Crianças passeando ...

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Observação de golfinhos

Estar localizado numa Reserva Biológica Marinha dá-lhe a vantagem de observar o ecossistema marinho na sua forma mais pura e intocada. O atol Baa é conhecido pela vida marinha variada, ...

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Excursões de Pesca

Oferecemos três tipos muito diferentes de excursões de pesca. Pesca ao pôr do sol: Perfeito para toda a família & pescadores amadores ou mulheres. Mais descontraído e descontraído, permitindo-lhe experimentar ...

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Nossa escola de mergulho interna é um centro de mergulho licenciado pela PADI que oferece cursos de mergulho certificados e pacotes versáteis de mergulho recreativo para suíte entusiastas de mergulho ...

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Desportos Aquáticos

O nosso centro de desportos aquáticos está totalmente equipado com a mais recente e ampla gama de atividades aquáticas, desde desportos radicais, como kitesurf, passeios de tubo, esqui aquático e ...

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Baraveli Clube Infantil

Nosso clube infantil é mais do que um créche, mas também um lugar onde as crianças podem se familiarizar mais com a ilha, aprendendo sobre suas diversas características naturais, bem ...

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Centro de Recreação Kakuni

Nosso centro de recreação está localizado na água, com fácil acesso através de uma ponte de madeira especial do bar. Com vistas espetaculares sobre o mar, é o local perfeito ...

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Beach Villa

With stunning views and access to the beach front from each of the 30 beach villas, you have the choice of experiencing the serenity and tranquility of the eastern facing Boaku, or the stunning magnificence of the Veli beach. Each Villa has an semi outdoor shower space, and indoor bathroom, and his and her vanity space. The room is decked up with all the modern amenities you will require. Each room leads towards your own veranda enclosed within a private garden with views towards the beach and lagoon.


Semi Water Villa

Wake up to the invigorating sounds & gentle  breeze  that  rolls  off  the  Indian ocean at our 10 Semi water villas. Perfectly placed to catch the sunrise, with  magnificent  views  of  the  horizon, our Semi Water Villas allows you to have direct access to the Dhigufaru lagoon from the Aanu Sandrock, from your own expansive private sun deck.




Dhandifulhu Restaurant (Main Restaurant)

Designed with charm and simplicity, the  space  itself  exemplifies  the  dinning experience as well as the style of cuisines  offered  at  our  main  restaurant. With panoramic views of the ocean, the  main  restaurant  offers  variety and  flavours  from  ever  corner  of  the world & a dedicate Maldivian night, which  will  combine  the  rich  flavours of our indigenous food and traditional entertainment. The restaurant also has its own bar with access to large selection of beverages for your convenience.


Thundi Pool Bar

Relax by the poolside, or enjoy the view from inside the three detached lounge huts surrounding the bar. The Bageecha pool area is the perfect spot to share views of a romantic sunset, with easy access to the beach, as well as whole lot of entertainments.Thundi bar has a dedicated kitchen where you can order bistro style cuisines, and finger foods including afternoon tea/coffee as well an extensive selection of exotic cocktails., perfect after a swim in the sea or lounging by the poolside.


Athiri Specialty Restaurant

Our Seafood and Japanese specialty restaurant is set on water, with access from the beach. With uninterrupted views of the clear blue Indian ocean. Its the perfect setting to socialise and relax with access to large selection of best wines from around the world.


Holhuashi Pavilion

The Pavilion is located on the arrival jetty, and one of the first architectural features you will be able to see as you arrive on the island. Perfect water hole to quench your thirst between meals, with an ice cream or fresh juice with some freshly baked pastries. Its open throughout the day, and ideal for kids of all ages.




Funa Spa

Our Spa offers a comprehensive beauty, health and wellbeing experience within a 241sqm compound within a striking island setting. Whether you want to recharge your body for a day filled with activities or want to unwind relax after a busy fun filled day, Funa Spa offers a variety of treatments and services, including:

  • Salon
  • Reflexology  Centre
  • Sauna & Steam Room
  • Treatment rooms




Sand Bank Picnic

Experience unspoilt natural beauty at its best, being alone on a tiny little sand bank or a virgin island. A Romantic picnic dinner under the stars, listening to the sounds of waves as they wash on the beach.


Local Island Visits

A visit to a small inhabited island, where the population is only a few hundred at most, will show you a picture of the local culture and lifestyle. Kids strolling near the shore, playing with friends on the beach, or men and women occupied in daily chores show how simple life can be on these islands.


Dolphin watching

Being located on a Marine Bio Reserve gives you the advantage of observing the marine ecosystem in its purest and untouched form. Baa atoll is known for varied marine life, especially manta rays, dolphins, and whales, giving you the opportunity to watch them in their natural
environment. We have programmed and schedule  excursions  to  different  spots near the island, with professional guides.


Fishing Excursions

We  offer  three  very  different  types of fishing excursions.

Sunset Fishing:  Perfect for the whole family  &  amateur  fishermen  &  women. More leisurely and relaxed enabling you  to  try  out  more  traditional  fishing methods.
Game Fishing:  A short boat ride to the open sea this particular excursion is suited to the more professionally inclined and thrill seekers. We have a specially built boat, fully equipped with the necessary  fishing  gear  and  technology, as well as professionally trained experts to guide you through.
Local Fishing:  Idea for culture seekers, to get the hang of and understand the very unique art of Maldivian  fishing  techniques,  using  live bait.This will be educational as much as an adventure, perfect for large family groups or couples



Our in-house dive school is A  PADI  licensed  dive  centre  offering certified  dive  courses  and  versatile recreational dive packages to suite
professional as well as amateur dive enthusiasts. having the luxury of being located on a UNESCO Marine Biosphere, means the area is acclaimed for its versatile dive sites, giving you the opportunity to come into close proximity to the unique and abundant marine life Maldives is well known for.
• Certified Diving Courses
• Kids Dive Courses
• Dive Excursions


Water Sports 

Our Water sports centre is fully equipped with the latest and widest range of water based activities, from extreme sports, like kite surfing,  tube  riding,  water  skying  and windsurfing,  to  more  leisurely  activities including canoeing, glass bottom boat rides, and snorkelling. The huge reef which provides a natural protection from currents, combined with shallow waters and light winds gives you the perfect setting for variety of water sports.


Baraveli Kids Club

Our Kids club is more than a créche, but also a place where kids can get more acquainted with the island, by learning about its diverse natural features, as well as the unique flora and fauna of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at Baa Atoll. We have a dedicated team of Child care personnel who will keep your children interested and occupied throughout their stay, with diverse programs suited for different age groups. It has its own library space with variety of toys and books, as well as a safe indoor playground area including a specially designed swimming pool just for children.
• Kids Swimming pool
• Indoor Playground
• Children’s activities


Kakuni Recreation Centre

Our recreation centre is located on water, with an easy access via a special wooden bridge from the bar. With spectacular views over the sea, its perfect place to start your morning with a quick gym workout, or end the day socialising, with a game of pool or belt out some songs in
the specialised karaoke room.
• Billiard table
• Gym
• Karaoke Room
• Lounge
• Foosball table
• Dart
• Tennis Court

The following music programs will be conducted on the Resort once a week:
• DJ
• Inhouse Band Performance
• Live Music Band


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