Kuda Villingili Resort Maldivas - Lets Go Maldives

Kuda Villingili Resort Maldivas

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Kuda Villingili Resort Maldivas

Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives é uma ilha onde o tempo e o espaço importam.
Conecte-se com seus entes queridos, compense o tempo perdido, fortaleça amizades e crie novas amizades nesta fatia do paraíso, seja você um casal, uma família ou viajando em grupo, este paraíso idílico equilibra perfeitamente uma sensação de união e inclusão com total privacidade e independência.

Fatos rápidos


Atol Norte de Malé

Distância do Aeroporto (INIA):
15 Kms

  • O Complexo Spa Baani
  • Academia de ginástica
  • A Boutique do Spa
  • O Complexo Nutritivo
  • O Piano Bar
  • A Adega
Tipos de quartos:
  • Sunrise Villa
  • Palm Villa
  • Beach Villa
  • Family Villa
  • Water Villa
  • Over Water Pool Villa

Número de quartos:
95 Quartos

  • Piscina
  • Xadrez
  • Bilhar
  • Ténis de mesa
  • Parque infantil
  • Termas
  • Sala de ginástica
  • Ioga
  • Surfe
  • Desportos náuticos
  • Mergulho com snorkel
  • Mergulho

Here you can find the resort on the map

Deluxe Haven com Pátio Villa Privada

Villa Privada Sky Heaven

Villa Privada na Praia

Villa Privada de Praia com Piscina

Villa Aquática Privada

Villa Aquática Privada com Piscina

Deluxe Haven com Pátio Villa Privada

Perfeitamente posicionadas na praia branca de pérolas, estas villas fazem jus ao seu nome – um refúgio tropical rodeado por palmeiras exuberantes acariciadas pela brisa do oceano. Os móveis de ...

Villa Privada Sky Heaven

Lua de mel perfeita: Fique no alto do céu nestas luxuosas coberturas, elevadas entre as palmeiras, com vistas amplas das águas azuis e verdes exuberantes nativos da ilha. O design ...

Villa Privada na Praia

Mergulhe no exuberante tropical com as Beach Villas do resort. Aninhados na praia intocada, estes santuários de consolo garantem total privacidade. Relaxe ao ar livre nas espreguiçadeiras macias ou opte ...

Villa Privada de Praia com Piscina

As Beach Villas with Pool do resort estão localizadas na praia e dispõem de piscina privada para prazer absoluto e intimidade. Relaxe em um banho com óleos essenciais, antes de ...

Villa Aquática Privada

Acorde com a majestade do Oceano Índico em uma das Water Villas de Kuda Villingili. Flutuando no mar azul, estas villas apresentam camas king-size, banheiras espaçosas, áreas de estar arejadas ...

Villa Aquática Privada com Piscina

Acorde com a majestade do Oceano Índico em uma das Water Villas de Kuda Villingili. Flutuando no mar azul, estas villas apresentam camas king-size, banheiras espaçosas, áreas de estar arejadas ...

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Os vendedores ambulantes

Descontraído e social, o The Hawkers está localizado junto à impressionante piscina e é um local de refeições de luxo que serve criações de estilo de partilha familiar.

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O Restaurante

Com vista para a idílica praia, o exclusivo restaurante do resort serve a comida mais fresca e artesanal no café da manhã e jantar, em um ambiente exclusivo e elegante.

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O Bar da Praia

Com vista para a viagem do sol sobre o mar das Maldivas, o The Beach Bar serve um extenso menu de cocktails congelados refrescantes e vinhos rosés, e apresenta diariamente ...

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O Salão dos Charutos

Com vista para a lagoa, o aconchegante Cigar Lounge do resort oferece os melhores uísques e conhaques internacionais e uma ampla seleção de charutos premium em um ambiente aconchegante, sofisticado ...

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Jantar de destino

Para ocasiões especiais e eventos privados, os chefs qualificados podem criar menus sob medida para atender a todos os gostos, enquanto a equipe do resort organizará o entretenimento estelar desejado. ...

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Ilha Spa

O spa exclusivo da ilha reflete a essência de Kuda Villingili: um lugar para relaxamento total, uma experiência de puro descanso A poucos passos do oceano, o idílico Spa aguarda ...

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A Piscina

Mergulhe nas águas sedosas da impressionante piscina de 150 metros, cercada por uma natureza exuberante, espreguiçadeiras elegantes e cabanas privativas sombreadas. A piscina possui um jacuzzi sombreado e piscina lounge, ...

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Desporto e Jogos

Desafie seus amigos e familiares em uma das divertidas competições diárias do resort. Do ténis e voleibol ao xadrez, bilhar e ténis de mesa, no Kuda Villingili, jogar é sempre ...

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Parque Infantil Kuda Fiya Island

Kuda Villingili é um parque infantil à espera de ser descoberto. Jogos divertidos, atividades educativas, workshops criativos e competições estão à sua espera para tornar as férias dos seus filhos ...

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Academia de ginástica

Kuda Villingili está enraizada no amor próprio, autodescoberta e bem-estar. As Instalações Desportivas e de Bem-Estar do Resort complementam a oferta do Spa e permitem o lazer restaurador através de ...

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Todas as manhãs, os hóspedes podem aceder a uma das sessões de bem-estar complementares do Kuda Villingili, sem custos adicionais. O Kuda Villingili dispõe do moderno ginásio com equipamentos de ...

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Com acesso privilegiado ao Chickens Break, um dos melhores pontos de surf. Um trecho de recife produzindo barris de mais de dez segundos, Kuda Vilinigili é o local privilegiado para ...

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Desportos Aquáticos

Experimente caiaque, wakeboard, jet ski, windsurf ou surfe ondas majestosas no Chicken Break, um dos dez melhores pontos de surf do mundo. Todos os desportos aquáticos não motorizados também estão ...

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Mergulho com snorkel

Durante o dia, mergulhe com snorkel para observar as majestosas arraias-manta, tubarões de recife, centenas de espécies de peixes tropicais e recifes de coral. Ao pôr-do-sol, aventure-se para espreitar a ...

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Com o apoio da qualificada equipe de mergulho, parta à descoberta de recifes, raias e tubarões no local de mergulho mais conhecido das Maldivas, North Malé.

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Deluxe Haven with Patio Private Villa

116 m2, 1 King Bed

Perfectly positioned on the pearl-white beach, these villas live up to their name – a tropical hideaway surrounded by lush palms caressed by the ocean breeze. Rustic wood furnishings are complemented by stone elements, glowing in the sunlight. Relax on the vast patio in beachfront bliss, or soak in a warm bath with undisturbed views of the ocean.

Sky Heaven Private Villa

116 m2, 1 King Bed

Honeymoon perfect: Stay sky-high in these luxurious penthouses, elevated amidst the palms, with expansive views of the azure waters and lush greens native to the island. The authentic interior design includes organic fabrics, rustic wood and glowing stone elements that infuse a sense of calm and balance. Snuggle into the majestic king-sized bed or take a dip in the spacious bathtub in the open bathroom, while admiring the glistening Indian Ocean beneath. The Sky Haven penthouses follow views of the sun’s journey across the Maldivian ocean making this the most romantic choice for honeymooners.

Beach Private Villa

120 m2, 1 King Bed

Immerse yourself in the tropical lush with the resort’s Beach Villas. Nestled on the pristine beach, these sanctuaries of solace guarantee complete privacy. Lounge outside on the plush sunbeds or opt for an aroma therapeutic bath, in your sanctuary of timeless elegance.

Beach Private Villa with Pool

152 m2, 1 King Bed

The resort’s Beach Villas with Pool are located on the beach and feature private swimming pool for absolute enjoyment and intimacy. Relax in a bath with essential oils, before stretching out on your king-sized bed with the finest Egyptian cotton, mesmerized by the view of the Indian Ocean.

Private Water Villa

150 m2, 1 King Bed

Wake up to the majesty of the Indian Ocean in one of Kuda Villingili’s Water Villas. Floating on the azure sea, these villas feature king-sized beds, spacious bathtubs, airy living areas, and shaded dining decks overlooking the horizon. Step down into the ocean and immerse yourself in the turquoise lagoon, nature’s most beautiful bathtub.

Private Water Villa with Pool


150 m2, 1 King Bed

Wake up to the majesty of the Indian Ocean in one of Kuda Villingili’s Water Villas. Floating on the azure sea, these villas feature king-sized beds, spacious bathtubs, airy living areas, and shaded dining decks overlooking the horizon. Step down into the ocean and immerse yourself in the turquoise lagoon, nature’s most beautiful bathtub.


The Hawkers

Relaxed and social, The Hawkers is located by the impressive swimming pool and is an upscale dining venue serving up a family sharing style creations.

The Restaurant

With views of the idyllic beachfront, the resort’s signature dining establishment serves the freshest, handcrafted food for breakfast and dinner, in an exclusive, classy ambiance.

The Beach Bar

Overlooking the sun’s journey over the Maldivian sea, The Beach Bar serves an extensive menu of refreshing frozen cocktails and rosé wines, and hosts daily live DJ sets that provide the ultimate soundscape. Guests are invited to relax in a cocoon while soaking up a beautiful sunset.

The Cigar Lounge

Overlooking the lagoon, the resort’s cozy Cigar Lounge offers the finest international whiskies and cognacs and a wide selection of premium cigars in a warm, sophisticated, and sumptuously leather-decorated ambiance.

Destination Dining

For special occasions and private events, the skilled chefs can create bespoke menus to cater to any taste while the resort’s team will organize the desired stellar entertainment. For those guests who wish to dine in the comfort of their own villa, the 24-hour In-Villa Dining is available with specially crafted menus.


The island’s exclusive spa reflects Kuda Villingili’s essence: a place for utter relaxation, an experience of pure respite Just steps away from the Ocean, the idyllic Spa awaits guests for sheer pampering and relaxation overlooking the tropical reef. Thanks to its prime location, guests can unwind with nothing but the sound of the high waves surrounding them.

8 over water treatment villas in Kuda Villingili Spa – the restoration of strength, beauty, and balance of the body, mind, and soul following ancient healing traditions of the East Organic or plant-based ingredients complement ancient healing traditions by Voya. Professionally trained therapists and instructors are ready to meet your wellness needs for a truly personalized experience.


The Pool

Dive into the silky waters of the impressive 150-meter Swimming Pool surrounded by lush nature, stylish sunbeds, and private shaded cabanas. The pool boasts a shaded Jacuzzi and lounge pool, as well as a separate children-friendly pool, a wet lounge, and a wet bridge.

Sports & Games

Challenge your friends and family at one of the resort’s fun-filled daily competitions. From Tennis and Volleyball to Chess, Billiard and Table Tennis, at Kuda Villingili, playing is always a good idea.

Kuda Fiya Island Playground

Kuda Villingili is a playground waiting to be discovered. Fun-filled games, edutainment activities, creative workshops and competitions are waiting to make your children’s holiday truly unforgettable. More than a kids club, Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives is an island of discovery where days are filled with endless wonder and new delights; and where imagination is brought to life through the creative inspiration of our very special team.

Fitness Center

Kuda Villingili is rooted in self-love, self-discovery, and wellness. The Resort’s Wellness and Sports Facilities complement the Spa’s offering and allow restorative leisure through gym exercise, yoga, and recreation activities that are good for the soul.


Every morning guests can access one of Kuda Villingili’s complementary wellness sessions, at no extra cost. Kuda Villingili offers the modern Gym featuring state-of-the-art fitness equipment by Technogym. On an elevated Yoga Pavilion, with beautiful views, guests can participate in personal yoga master sessions, stretching, breathing exercises, meditation, and water activities.


With prime access to Chickens Break, one of the top surfing points. A reef stretch producing over ten-second barrels, Kuda Vilinigili is the prime spot for surf enthusiasts and the resort is delighted to offer surfboards, equipment, and lessons to guests.

With groundswell coming from the Southeast, the best time to visit the island for surfing is between May and October.

Water Sports

Have a go at kayaking, wakeboarding, jet skiing, windsurfing, or surf majestic waves at the nearby Chicken Break, one of the world’s top ten surfing spots. All non-motorized watersports are also available, free of charge.


During the day, snorkel to observe the majestic manta rays, reef sharks, hundreds of species of tropical fish and coral reefs. At sundown, venture out for a peek of the unique fluorescent marine life.

Scuba Diving

With the support of the skilled Dive team, set off to discover reefs, rays, and sharks in the best-known diving spot in the Maldives, North Malé.

Seja o primeiro a avaliar Kuda Villingili Resort Maldivas.

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